14. Astral Plane (Bhuvar-Loka)

I use my imagination as a source of creative power while keeping my energy in balance.
With awareness, I direct my dreams toward goals that promote my spiritual growth.
This affirmation helps the player harness the power of imagination and creativity without getting lost in fantasies or exhaustion. It encourages using the energy of the Astral Plane to achieve meaningful goals and to focus imagination on spiritual and personal growth. This keeps the player grounded while exploring the possibilities of this creative realm.
Om Kalpana Siddhi Namah
Astral plane
Bhuvar-loka, the plane next to the physical plane, is closely related to it but composed of finer matter. We have already explained (in the description of bhu-loka, the fifth square of the first row of the game board) the presence of seven lokas and have explained that each loka is a state of being in the process of inner growth, the grossest being the physical plane (bhu-loka). In bhuvar-loka the water element is predominant, as it is in the second chakra. As the second chakra is situated in the spine adjacent to the first chakra, so is the astral plane directly above the physical plane in the spine of the game board.
This is the plane of dreams and fantasy, where the human imagination begins to soar. The player who lands here becomes aware of the immense diversity of the phenomenal world. The world literally comes alive with possibilities. There are so many things he can be, so many goals he can pursue. This awareness of possibilities creates excitement, and he begins to take a more active interest in life. He has met his survival needs, and now he sees that there is far more to life than he could ever have imagined while he was still worried about where his next meal would come from.
Now he is materially secure, and his success is assured. And with this surge of self-reliance his creative imagination takes flight. But fantasies consume more energy than any other human activity. The player diverts his entire energy resources to building castles in the air. He strives to get away from the physical world through the pursuit of enjoyment, pleasure, and identification with others. Enjoyment of the sensory organs is the impelling force of his life so long as he vibrates here. This is the plane of wine, women, and song. Sexuality becomes a primary means of selfexpression — which can be a tremendous drain on the vital energies.
The player dwells in the worlds of feeling, emotion, idea, and meaning and uses them as the basis of his fantasies. Thus the second chakra is the starring point of all the creative arts. Fantasy is the power behind creativity.
The astral plane is the dimension of psychic space midway between heaven and earth. The player has dwelt on the lower levels, and his imagination brings the possibility of heaven within reach. The danger is that he may let himself be carried away by his fantasies, which drain his energy and leave him exhausted.
The artwork for "Astral Plane" (Bhuvar-loka) is a visual representation of this ethereal realm, focusing on its connection to the element of water and the world of dreams and fantasy. At the center is a dreamlike, aquatic landscape, blending surreal elements with fluidity and movement, symbolizing the plane's adjacency to the physical realm and its water element. Ethereal figures soar and float throughout the scene, representing human imagination and creativity, and the exhilaration of exploring the vast possibilities of the phenomenal world. The vibrant colors and swirling patterns in the scene convey the dynamic and lively nature of Bhuvar-loka. Subtle elements of indulgence, such as symbols of wine, women, and song, are integrated to reflect the plane's association with sensory enjoyment and creative expression. This artistic portrayal captures the enchantment and fascination of the astral plane, highlighting both the allure and potential dangers of being swept away by fantasies, and the significant energy that fuels creative endeavors.
The astral plane
Beyond the earth’s revealed, a shimmering domain,
Bhuvar-loka's veil, where dreams and visions reign.
Finer matter weaves, a world of subtle grace,
The water element flows, in this ethereal space.
The human mind takes flight, on wings of fantasy,
A vast expanse unfolds, with endless things to see.
Emotions, feelings, weave a tapestry so bright,
The artist's playground’s based in fantasy's delight.
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Leela (Eng) - TheLifeArtist.org - Healing Earth.org
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